RPM Gauge v1.1 for Windows 3.XX Copyright © 1993 by Crito P. Philippatos Disclaimer While every reasonable precaution has been taken in the preparation of this software, the author assumes no responsibility for the uses of this material. No warranties are made, express or implied, with regard to the contents of this work, its merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The author shall not be liable for direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the contents of this program. Description RPM Gauge is a floating resource gauge used to graphically represent User and GDI resources in use (in that order). These two resource pools are important to monitor because they are fixed in size and used by all Windows apps. The gauge colors change to indicate the resource "RPMs" as follows: Green to indicate 50% or less in use, yellow to indicate 51%-74%, and red to indicate that 76% or more available resources are being used up by running software. Think of it as a cars tachometer, when the gauge is in the green you're just cruising around town. If it's yellow, you're on the interstate speeding. And when it's red you're pushing the red-line. When you run out of resources, it becomes impossible to run more apps! It doesn't matter if you have 32 megs RAM and a huge swap file; Windows will give you an out of memory error and tell you to close some applications. Instructions Just run it! RPM Gauge needs no configuration, and does not write to your WIN.INI file or create an .INI file of its own. In fact, RPM Gauge is so "intelligent" it sounds an alarm when resources fall dangerously low; and even self terminates, freeing up its own resources to prevent resource stress on critical applications and the possiblity of a system crash. To manually end RPM Gauge, just click on it! Requirements Written in Visual Basic 2.0, VBRUN200.DLL required. Mouse req. Registration RPM Gauge is Freeware. That means this is a copyrighted program protected under the copyright laws of the United States. It also means that you own this copy, free of any charges, and may freely make copies for whomever you choose. You may distribute RPM Gauge in any mannner, electronic or otherwise. You may bundle RPM Gauge with other software, and charge for it. You may NOT modify RPMGAUGE.EXE (9101) or RPMGAUGE.TXT (2986), or distribute these files seperately. No tech support is available, and I will not answer questions or comments. If you really like RPM Gauge send a donation ($1-$5) to the author at: Crito P. Philippatos 317 David Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 U.S.A. I will not mail you updates or notices of updates. If you care to send me the number of a BBS in your area that has a V.32bis modem (14.4 KBaud) and allows uploads on the first call, I'd be happy to post new versions there for download.